Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Since before Christmas of 2012 Isabella has been asking for one of the pillows with the built in night light that she had seen advertised on TV. Well, Christmas morning came and went with no "Dream Lite" but she was very happy with all of her gifts and never mentioned that she hadn't gotten something she had so hoped for. Well, she never forgot her wish and every time it showed up in a TV commercial, she shouted out "I want that!" But....she never got one. Soon she was just asking for it without any the car, after school, when she woke up from a nap, before she went to bed, while she was in the tub taking a bath. Then we went on a field trip with her school and she got to ride the Cotton Tail Express The idea of getting a prize from the Easter Bunny became a new vehicle for her requests for a night light buddy. Yesterday was Kaylanne's day off and she took Izzy shopping, searching for the special pillow that lights up. Poppa and I went shopping and found a couple of too cute sundresses and some matching sandals. We couldn't wait until the next time Izzy came to visit so I texted Kaylanne and asked her to stop by so we could give the latest surprise to our little princess. Well, she loved her new clothes and tried them on, even had to wear one of the dresses matter that it was freezing cold out. Kaylanne told the story of looking for the special pillow for Izzy, to no avail, at all of the local stores and finally gave up the search after Izzy started pitching a fit at WalMart for an acorn pillow. All the way through the store and while in the check out line, Izzy continued her crying and pleading for the acorn pillow. Kaylanne couldn't imagine what she was asking for...Izz just kept crying "ACORN!". People stared and shook their heads, Kaylanne shrugged back at them and rolled her eyes, Izzy cried "ACORN". So, today Poppa and I took up the search for the now elusive Acorn. We went back to WalMart and I asked Isabella to show us where she saw the acorn that she just had to have. She couldn't seem to get her bearings and we wandered the aisles. Finally Poppa figured we should give it up and look for the night light pillows, thinking he had seem some of the "as seen on TV" stuff by the front registers. Ah! The Glory Hole! There on a shelf were the "Dream Lites" pillows! I ran my hand over the selections and asked her if she wanted the lady bug, the dinosaur, the blue thing or the rainbow unicorn. "That one!!!" she shouted pointing up. "The lady bug?" I asked....."NO! the ACORN!! ACORN!" Finally, mystery solved. Acorn is now the name of her favorite toy of the year, a lovely, cuddly unicorn that lights up with stars and moon reflected on the ceiling or walls from the very special "light up pillow" she had been dreaming of for months.

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