Saturday, March 5, 2011

Writing for a small town paper has it's limitations...

Our little home town paper is growing and changing, which is good, but it also necessitates that we writers, who send in weekly articles, must limit ourselves to 300 words. This is a double edged sword, first because I have such a tendency to ramble on, once I get to writing, secondly I am grateful to know that a short story isn’t expected nor desired and if I don’t even have anything to write about, well, no matter; there probably isn’t any room anyway, so no need to just fill space. With all of this said (rambling again) I now write a blog, for those interested in my meaningless drivel, where I can write unimpeded when the spirit moves me. Too often I feel obligated to write something each week, here, and then wind up forcing something out that really has no import or is of much interest.
This week we’ve been in Nokomis, Florida, visiting with Tom’s family, staying in a little rundown place that was built in the 1930s on Casey Key. Just up the street are great palaces of the rich with lush landscaping and winding drives. We all share the same beach, same sunset and same beautiful waters. The difference, of course, is the price tag. Our little shack is only $1300 a week, their places run into the millions of dollars to purchase and then some for maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc.
I think I am fast becoming a proponent of renting instead of buying. The couple of years we have spent traveling have given me the “Gypsy Gene” and now it seems impossible to settle into just one community. I know I love living the coastal scene, and each town has it’s own personality and flavor. It is like trying to choose just one friend and that’s just never going to happen! I find it enriching to have many relationships and just as fulfilling to live many places.
O Gheeze, I’ve already gone over my 300 words!
Look up my blog:
Until my next column…I guess that’s about it, in a nutshell. Thanks for all of the compliments and to all who follow my writing. I appreciate your support!
Ok, so now I'm on my time and can go on and on if I like. The only thing is, I find that I have actually said it all. Living in just one place is like having only one friend. Some friends are fun to have lunch with or shop with or confide in. Some fill many niches in my life, others are great for an afternoon or even a week, but there are precious few that have lasted over the years with such depth of intimacy and unconditional love that it takes to be a sister. So why would a place to live be any different?? The wonderful home that Tom and I created in Clarke County to raise our amazing granddaughter, the same place that has become a sanctuary to our son and grandson, now feels like an unwelcomed anchor. As beautiful as it is, now I want to feel the sand under my feet and the surf against my legs. I want perpetual sunny days. I no longer want to have to drive 20 miles to get to the store or be limited by the number or ethnicity of restaurants to explore. I want to meet people from exotic places, with stories to tell. I want to travel and live in interesting places, without fetters. If I need to be with my kids or grandkids, I can visit...I don't have to attach myself with real estate. I can rent a place and stay for a long time or I can just fly in, sleep on the couch and fly away again. Life has become a visit, and as I age this becomes increasingly clearer. Wings will definitely suit me, once I enter God's kingdom, but until then, I think enjoying the most out of his many blessings offered to me on this planet is the thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. Go Gypsy woman Go! Just don't forget to put me on your travel plans :)
